I am the daughter of a king, wife of the most incredible man, mother of an amazing boy born from my belly and mother of two beautiful girls and one handsom boy born in my heart. I am an African loving, adoption advocating, orphan loving, holy spirit filled, Irish football crazed, Jesus loving girl on a mission to provide a family that is a living example of what God's love looks like. Undefined by size, color or nationality bringing glory to him one adoption at a time.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Well I wanted to post pictures of Nolan's last t-ball game of the year.  I'm so proud of him.  His last hit was probably the hardest he had ever hit the ball, I had told him to smack it all the way to Africa. :)  He did really good.  Unfortunately Jason was the t-ball coach and with him leaving it was a bit discouraging for Nolan.  He lost his personal trainer and coach.  I just wanted to post the pictures of him, I couldn't be prouder.  Praying for more information tomorrow from the Embassy! 

May the LORD give you increase, you and your children!  (Psalms 115:14 ESV)

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