I am the daughter of a king, wife of the most incredible man, mother of an amazing boy born from my belly and mother of two beautiful girls and one handsom boy born in my heart. I am an African loving, adoption advocating, orphan loving, holy spirit filled, Irish football crazed, Jesus loving girl on a mission to provide a family that is a living example of what God's love looks like. Undefined by size, color or nationality bringing glory to him one adoption at a time.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Summer Fun

Fun on the swings!  They are swingin' ALL the time!
Noodle Time! 

Swimming again, and again, and again......

I'm not sure what's going on here.  The bedding is missing on the bottom bunk and they were laughing the hardest I had ever heard them in Nolan's room!
First dentist appointment!  No crying!   YEAH!

This is my little shopper ready to go with her purse on her shoulder.  When we arrived home these were the goofy 2 boys waiting in the driveway to take in the groceries. :)  Notice on the tan lines on both of them :)
My sweet Logan asleep on the picnic table. :)  Yes, on top of the table :)
My hammock :)  So peaceful :)
My peaceful view from the hammock.  So tranquil.  So quiet.
It didn't last long, I had a couple of kids that wanted to snuggle :)
And my hubby did too!
Then the ticklers came and the peace was over. :)
Once Lizzy started coughin on all the sticks she was eating.   Hammock time was over at that point. :)

Well the summer seems to have lasted forever for us.  I think it's because we've been in hot weather since March!  But I admit the last month has absolutely FLOWN by.  It's hard to believe in a month we will be returning to our fall activities and school will be ready to start again.   It has been SOOO nice to have all 4 of us to just enjoy each other.

Abigail had her first doctor and dentist appointment this week.  NOT FUN :(  Well it was fine until the point of 4 shots!  She SCREAMED at the TOP of her lungs as we had to hold her down, it was horrible.  Ouch!  Poor girl has to go back in August for 5 more.  But she was brave.  The part that touched our hearts the most was when she was in there getting her shots Nolan had to wait in the hallway.  When Jason went out in the hall he was crying his eyeballs out.  He just felt SOOOOO bad for Abigail because she was hurting.  I have such a soft hearted kind boy.  He has such a kind and caring soul and I'm so proud of him.  He just loves that little sister of his so much.

Tonight was the first night I made it out to my hammock to relax.  I used to use it a lot but this summer I've not made the time to get away and do that.  It's so relaxing, I Just love it out there!  I was looking at our yard and our house and I just feel so blessed to have all that we do.  We are so fortunate.  I am sometimes embarrassed at all that we have knowing people out there have nothing.  Ahhhh.....still trying to re-enter. 

I posted some pictures of our summer fun adventures.  I think all but 3 days we have been in the pool everyday.  My kids are like little guppies swimming around now.  Abigail puts on her floaties and away she goes!  Nolan took 3 classes of swimming this winter and I can't believe how well he's doing!  It's just been so fun.  Abigail is riding her bike by herself now too so that's fun for the kids to do together. 

Today Abigail and I went to Sam's Club for some shopping.  She is quite the shopper.  She had her little purse and checked the items off the list, then she neatly stuffs the receipts in her purse.  She just thinks that's the BEST time and feels like a really big girl helping.  She loves to shop!  That's not gonna be good when she's a teenager!

I was excited to see my kids get up in the front of church today and participate in all the activities they learned at vacation bible school.  So I'm closing with a bible verses that they acted out and recited this week.

So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.  Genesis I:27

I am humbled.

Blessing this week!


1 comment:

  1. Love it, Heather! It's so fun to see the photos. Please tell Abigail hello from us...and Dorie can absolutely relate to the not so fun doctor visits. We go back for our second round on Wednesday. :( Love you guys!!
