I am the daughter of a king, wife of the most incredible man, mother of an amazing boy born from my belly and mother of two beautiful girls and one handsom boy born in my heart. I am an African loving, adoption advocating, orphan loving, holy spirit filled, Irish football crazed, Jesus loving girl on a mission to provide a family that is a living example of what God's love looks like. Undefined by size, color or nationality bringing glory to him one adoption at a time.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Grateful Day......

Today on my way to Grand Rapids for a doctor appointment I decided I was going to list EVERYTHING I am grateful for.  I think sometimes it's so easy to get caught up in the negative hang ups of life.  So here is my list.

I'm grateful for.....

*My husband, he is a gift from God
*My son, his kind soul and loving nature
*My daughter, her beautiful heart and amazing strength
*Our home, although not big, it's a castle to us
*My dogs and cats, truly my best friends most days
*My car, I take for granted the ability to drive where I need to go
*My freedom of speech otherwise I'd never have this blog
*My husband's job that provides 3 meals a day without worries
*My health, it's priceless
*My fears, for with them I am able to trust in God's plan for me
*My 8 weeks in Africa, absolutely hands down the best experience of my life. 
*My friends, I'm not sure where I'd be without them.  They are truly not friends but family
*My town, living in it makes me feel safe and welcome
*My faith, oh how we are a family of Jesus freaks and not afraid to share that with anymore
*Answered prayers, they are what brought our beautiful Abigail home
*Unanswered prayers, because God ALWAYS knows whats best even when I don't
*Date night with my husband, time with my best friend is irreplaceable
*Scrap booking with my girlfriends, I literally laugh until my gut hurts
*My extended family for endless prayers and love for my children
*My sister, just because she's so special and truly the best role model
*My new doctor that has made my feet feel walkable again
*For Sketchers shape ups, because they make my feet feel SOOOO good
*For Barb and Monica, for selling beads when they didn't even know us just to be able to help, amazing
*For Abigail's mother, A painful sacrifice for a better life for her daughter
*For hot showers everyday
*Peace, knowing that I will wake up tomorrow under a stable roof and in a warm bed
*The children I will have that I don't even know yet and have already changed my life
*My series of miscarriages, for it was through those that I found out how badly I wanted to be a mom
*Story time with my children because they snuggle up with me like they were newborns
*Forgiveness, Because God forgave me for soooo many things and still loves me everyday.  I am saved.
*Prayer, it's there that I truly find myself
*Contentment, because its way better then living in the moment
*Trials, only in these times can my faith really grow
*Persecution of my faith.  Because I'm proud to love Jesus and I must be showing it.
*Ziploc bags, because I use them for EVERYTHING!
*Today, because that's all I have and that's all I need

Have a blessed day today!

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