I am the daughter of a king, wife of the most incredible man, mother of an amazing boy born from my belly and mother of two beautiful girls and one handsom boy born in my heart. I am an African loving, adoption advocating, orphan loving, holy spirit filled, Irish football crazed, Jesus loving girl on a mission to provide a family that is a living example of what God's love looks like. Undefined by size, color or nationality bringing glory to him one adoption at a time.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hello from Uganda!

Life is beautiful and we are so incredibly blessed!  I arrived in Uganda late Wednesday night and I got to pick up the kids on Thursday morning. :)

I can't post pictures of the children until we have legal guardianship but I will continue to send updates that aren't case specific.

Ohhhhhh........they are so sweet and wonderful.  Elijah walked right up to me and let me pick him up and Rebekah gave me a big hug. It was so sweet.  They were very quiet during the first couple of hours and then they let their sweet personalities come out.   By that night they were in full force!

The area where they lived is humbling and shameful that any person would have to endure such conditions and sadly there are thousands of people is this area so poverty stricken.  Very sad and makes me think twice about all that I have and all that I could do for these people.

Rebekah is a shy and quiet little girl with a lot of spunky fun antics, she's very sensitive and very loving.  She is absolutely beautiful like Abigail and I believe they are almost exactly the same size.  She is a little mommy with her little brother.  Loves to have her hair done and play with babies.  She has been through so much tragedy and emotional distress I am amazed at her sweet little spirit and ability to thrive.

Elijah is a little pistol.  HOLY COW!  I forgot what being 2 was like!  He has TONS of energy and loves to be the center of attention.  He has an adorable smile and he's always trying to dance and sing.  He also is a HANDFUL.  Having 2 kids in Uganda is entirely different then one 4 year old.  I don't have things here like strollers or car seats, all the modern amenities that help with your children!  They are eating like I have never imagined 2 kids could eat, their first meal was spaghetti, and both kids went to town on it!!

They are amazed at all the new surroundings, especially the toys and clothes.  They get SOOO happy at meal time and I think are still shocked we eat more then once per day!

Uganda is beautiful, everything feels so familiar, like I never left.  The weather here is warm in the upper 80's and is a nice change for a while!!!  Although it was a little hard to adapt to the first day!  WOW!  We ran out of gas on the way home from the airport so that was interesting!!

I was blessed by my dear friend Monica coming with me for the first 2 weeks so we've been having so much fun.  And it's nice to have company here since Jason was unable to travel this trip.  It was too early for both parents to leave Abigail this soon so he made the ultimate sacrifice for us and had Monica come.  I've been so excited to share Uganda with her and she has been a huge help with the kiddos!  She also helped with all the fundraising we did so she's been there through the whole process to get these two precious ones.

I feel complete, I already don't remember what it was like before them and it feels like they've always been here.  I'm blessed to have this time here in Uganda with them, SO blessed.  They were SOOO excited to see Daddy and they giggle at his silly faces on Skype and smiled constantly when Nolan and Abigail came on.  They were dancing afterwards.:)  They also got to meet their Grandma and Papa and were REALLY excited about that!  How grateful I am for technology!

May the glory be given to God for bringing us these beautiful children, I am so honored He has chosen me to their mother and I can't wait to bring these sweet children home to our family.

In Him,

1 comment:

  1. That is wonderful to hear Heather! I am praying things go smoothly in your transition.
