I am the daughter of a king, wife of the most incredible man, mother of an amazing boy born from my belly and mother of two beautiful girls and one handsom boy born in my heart. I am an African loving, adoption advocating, orphan loving, holy spirit filled, Irish football crazed, Jesus loving girl on a mission to provide a family that is a living example of what God's love looks like. Undefined by size, color or nationality bringing glory to him one adoption at a time.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Well here is the hard part I guess.  I have not heard anything as of 8 am how court went however I do know that we won't have our ruling for approximately a week though.  That's just how it works there, you go to court and go back in a few days for the ruling.  So now we just pray.

The only thing I can compare the anxiety to is a pregnancy test. :)  Are we?  Or aren't we?

I'm SOOO mentally exhausted today but I had an amazing night in prayer and I'm comforted knowing no matter what it is in God's will.  Until then, I will wait patiently.  I will send out another form email and update the blog as soon as I have any news!

Thank you to the hundreds of people praying for us last night!!!!  I'm blown away at the number of people that received our email request for prayers.  Amazing.

Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him;
fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way,
over the man who carries out evil devices!

—Psalm 37:7

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